Kernel 2.32
Date: Sun Apr 11 2010 - 02:09:10 PDT

  • Next message: Alan Woodland: "Re: Kernel 2.32"
    Hi to everyone,
    I'm new to BLCR.
    I installed BLCR on a PC with Ubuntu and I'm very happy with it.
    Now I would like to test BLCR on NixOS (
    The web site assert that the latest release 0.8.2 works with kernel  
    2.6.30.  I have linux 2.6.32 on my machine.  I did not test it but I  
    assume that I have little chance to have it work.  Are there a more  
    recent versions of BLCR that works with 2.6.32 ?
    Thank you.
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  • Next message: Alan Woodland: "Re: Kernel 2.32"