Re: trying 0.8.0-b3

From: Matthias Hovestadt (
Date: Sun Dec 07 2008 - 02:00:24 PST

  • Next message: Josh Hursey: "Re: OpenMPI and BLCR 0.8.0b2"
     > I can't seem to do anything with lam + blcr 0.8.0-b3.
     > I get
     > Oops -- cr_init() failed (the initialization call to the BLCR 
     > system).  Aborting in despair.
     > The crmpi SSI subsystem failed to initialize modules successfully
     > during MPI_INIT.  This is a fatal error; I must abort.
    I also tried the new version on my system (LAM 7.1.4 and BLCR 0.8.0b3)
    and it's working perfectly fine. All the tests that failed with older
    versions of BLCR are succeeding now. For me that's really good news
    since I can now offer the good old LAM/BLCR on my system again.
    Thanks a lot for fixing this!
    I can reproduce your error message by unloading the blcr kernel modules
    and then starting a LAM application. Did you check if the BLCR modules
    are really loaded?
    root@asok14-1:~# lsmod | grep blcr
    blcr                  126724  0
    blcr_imports           21120  1 blcr

  • Next message: Josh Hursey: "Re: OpenMPI and BLCR 0.8.0b2"