Another User Manual clarification please

From: Mark Calleja (
Date: Thu Oct 18 2007 - 05:56:20 PDT

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: Paths: relative or absolute?"
    I read in the BLCR User manual that one of the necessary criteria is:
    "You may restart a program on a different machine than the one it was 
    checkpointed on if all of these conditions are met (they often are on 
    cluster systems, especially if you are using a shared network 
    filesystem), and the kernels are the same."
    To what levels do kernels have to be "the same"? So for instance, my 
    Debian etch box has a kernel of 2.6.18-5-686; can I restart a 
    checkpointed job on any 32 bit i686 2.6.18 kerneled machine, or does it 
    have to be *exactly* the same?
    Thanks for any help,

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: Paths: relative or absolute?"