Re: Checkpointed programs

From: Ryan Sweet (rsweet_at_aoes_dot_com)
Date: Tue Mar 08 2005 - 00:35:44 PST

  • Next message: Heiko Bauke: "PIDs in Checkpoint/Restart"
    On Mon, 7 Mar 2005, Richard Hu wrote:
    > To Whom It May Concern:
    > I've been looking at Berkeley Labs Checkpoint/Restart and I was wondering 
    > what range of programs has BLCR been used on?  Are there any testimonials of 
    > third-party users or any examples of third-party programs being 
    > checkpoint/restart-ed with BLCR?
    > Thank you very much.
    > Richard H.
    I've used BLCR successfully on linux 2.4 with primarily two codes - one is a 
    very simple F77 (compiled with intel 8 and lam-mpi) code for CFD, the other is 
    an order of magnitude more complex, mixing C/F77/F90 and lam-mpi compiled with 
    intel 8), and so far for my test runs (I'm the systems engineer, not the CFD 
    engineer) using real problems it works well. I haven't tried it with Linux 2.6 
    yet, and we haven't quite hit the production stage with BLCR.
    just one data point for you.
    Ryan Sweet             <ryan.sweet_at_aoes_dot_com>
    Advanced Operations and Engineering Services
    AOES Group BV  
    Phone +31(0)71 5795521  Fax +31(0)71572 1277

  • Next message: Heiko Bauke: "PIDs in Checkpoint/Restart"