From: Sergio Díaz (
Date: Tue Jul 14 2009 - 23:17:05 PDT
Hello, First at all, please send the questions to the mail list. I am a simply user of BLCR. I think that you didn't add to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH the $BLCR_PATH/lib. You have to add the next PATH... BLCR_PATH=path_to_installation_dir PATH=$PATH:$BLC_PATHt/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$BLC_PATH/lib Regards, Sergio shuxi liu escribió: > > > hello Sergio, > As you say , I have already have loaded the modules. > but when i uesd BLCR to test a test program,there also have > some errors. > for example,I use cr_checkpoint > [root@fedora10 blcr-0.8.2]# cr_checkpoint -p 11818 > - Retry request on -CR_ENOSUPPORT > > when I use cr_run > Checkpoint failed: support missing from application > [root@fedora10 blcr-0.8.2]# cr_run /root/ckpt/foo > ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot > be preloaded: ignored. > > can your tell me how to solve? i need your help,thanks for > your reply. -- Sergio Díaz Montes Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia Avda. de Vigo. s/n (Campus Sur) 15706 Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Tel: +34 981 56 98 10 ; Fax: +34 981 59 46 16 email: [email protected] ; ------------------------------------------------