Re: a question about BLCR

From: Sergio Díaz (
Date: Tue May 26 2009 - 01:50:36 PDT

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: a question about BLCR"
    This error seems that you are trying to run an application compiled in 
    other architecture (64 or 32 bits).
    Maybe Paul can give you more clues.
    shuxi liu escribió:
    > hello,
    >    thanks for your reply.As you know,I have done the cr_checkpoint and 
    > cr_restart in example of counting.
    >   but when i use cr_cun,also some errors.
    > [root@fedora10 builddir]# cr_run 
    > /root/blcr-0.8.1/builddir/examples/counting/counting
    > ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be 
    > preloaded: ignored.
    > can you tell me how to make it,thank you very much
    > jack
    > 2009/5/25 Sergio Díaz <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>>
    >     Hi,
    >     I don't know why are you trying to do a checkpoint to apache....
    >     and if it is possible to do a checkpoint to a daemon, but to get a
    >     successful checkpoint, you have to run the application with the
    >     command cr_run. For example: "cr_run ./" then you can do
    >      cr_checkpoint.
    >     Also, you have to load the checkpoint modules (blcr.ko and
    >     blcr_import.ko). If not, the error is the same.
    >     Regards,
    >     Sergio
    >     shuxi liu escribió:
    >         hello sir or madam,
    >             I have used blcr-0.8.1 in,and i
    >         have done the example of counting.
    >             I want to make checkpoint to apache, but i have some problem.
    >             httpd pid is 3170
    >           [root@fedora10 blcr-0.8.1]# cr_checkpoint 3170
    >           Checkpoint failed: support missing from kernel
    >           i don't know how to make checkpoint to apache.i need your help.
    >           i look forward to your reply.thank you very much.
    >                                          turely yours                
    >                                                   Jack
    >     -- 
    >     Sergio Díaz Montes
    >     Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia
    >     Avda. de Vigo. s/n (Campus Sur) 15706 Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
    >     Tel: +34 981 56 98 10 ; Fax: +34 981 59 46 16
    >     email: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> ;
    >     ------------------------------------------------
    Sergio Díaz Montes
    Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia
    Avda. de Vigo. s/n (Campus Sur) 15706 Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
    Tel: +34 981 56 98 10 ; Fax: +34 981 59 46 16
    email: [email protected] ;

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: a question about BLCR"