From: ÀîºêÁÁ (
Date: Mon May 18 2009 - 04:17:53 PDT
Hello, Professor: Thank you very much for your help, I have understand what you have told me. I am not the person who asks questions as soon as they meet with a problem, It's only when I can not work it out and can not find answer through other ways will I resort to you . please excuse me.. I know we can pass some arguments when we are calling ioctl syscall.For example: #define CR_OP_HAND_CHKPT_INFO _IOR (CR_IOCTL_BASE, 0x0a, struct cr_chkpt_info *) #define CR_OP_CHKPT_REQ _IOW (CR_IOCTL_BASE, 0x10, struct cr_chkpt_args *) #define CR_OP_CHKPT_FWD _IOW (CR_IOCTL_BASE, 0x13, struct cr_fwd_args *) when issue a ioctl syscall, struct"cr_chkpt_info" "cr_chkpt_args" "cr_fwd_args" are passed. "struct cr_chkpt_args req;" "rc = cri_syscall_token(token, CR_OP_CHKPT_REQ, (uintptr_t)&req)" However, I can not find the definition of these structure... Are they allocated dynamically? I have never seen such a usage... Is that because the arguments are from user space??? or some other reasons???