Re: math.ct failure

From: Paul H. Hargrove (PHHargrove_at_lbl_dot_gov)
Date: Thu May 14 2009 - 07:43:02 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Roman: "Re: math.ct failure"
      The list address is checkpoint_at_lbl_dot_gov (I've cc:ed this reply and set 
      If you are seeing this failure, then I would NOT proceed with using 
    BLCR.  We should figure out the source of the failure.
      Given the things we've been through in the past, my only guess is that 
    you are using Xen with a version older than 3.1.2.  If that is the case, 
    the bug is actaully in Xen nor BLCR and you will need to upgrade Xen.  
    If that is not the case, let us know and we'll see if we can figure out 
    the source of the problem.
    Peter Elias wrote:
    >   Dear Paul H. Hargrove!
    >   I apologize for sending this e-mail to your personal address. I 
    > planned to send it to the checkpoint mailing list (archives are at 
    >, but I couldn't find list's address.
    >   I am trying to compile and run blcr-0.8.1 on my machine (Gentoo 
    > Linux, AMD Athlon CPU). Compilation went without errors and from all 
    > tests only one has failed:
    > .../blcr-0.8.1/builddir/tests/.libs/lt-math[31579]: file " 
    > ../../tests/math.c", line 54, in math_callback: FP restore failure nan 
    > != 38842.2
    > cr_poll_request() failed: Restart aborted: restart cancelled and job 
    > killed
    > FAIL: math.ct
    >   Shall I install and use blcr? I want to save and then repeatedly 
    > restore some ocaml sessions.
    >   With best regards,
    > Peter Elias
    Paul H. Hargrove                          PHHargrove_at_lbl_dot_gov
    Future Technologies Group                 Tel: +1-510-495-2352
    HPC Research Department                   Fax: +1-510-486-6900
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     

  • Next message: Eric Roman: "Re: math.ct failure"