Re: some questions about the API of the blcr

From: Alexandre Strube (
Date: Mon May 04 2009 - 01:31:14 PDT

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    Hello Weizhongwei,
    please check the source code, where you can find some examples. Instead of
    doing an exec(cr_checkpoint), there are some native functions which provide
    you the necessary functionality without leaving your program. That's how
    RADICMPI does, for instance.
    On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Weizhongwei <[email protected]>wrote:
    > Dear Professor:
    >   Firstly ,thank you very much for spending your valuable time in reaing my letter.
    > Now I encouter another question when I use blcr to checkpoint my java programm.
    > I describe my question as following:
    > public class Test{
    >     public static void main(String argv[]){
    >         System.out.println("Test begins runnin...");
    >         System.out.println("Checkpoint here...");
    >         //I want to know how to make a checkpoit here
    >        //for this programm itself.  I want to know if there is some API functions to be called,and can
    >        //you give me an example .Thank you very much!!
    >        //I have tested my C programm by
    >        //int pid = getpid();
    >        //exec("cr_checkpoint pid");
    >        //but I don't want to checkpoing programm itself by calling cr_checkpoing command.
    >     }
    > }
    >                     yours sinsere student wzw!
    > expecting your answers !
    > ------------------------------
    > ����ؿ����㷢������ؿ�ȫ�����ߣ�<*>
    Alexandre Strube

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