Re: about checkpoint support
Date: Thu Jan 08 2009 - 07:54:40 PST

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: about checkpoint support"
    >Dear Morris,
    >I am working on integrating BLCR with SLURM. The progress is delayed 
    >because I am busy this term. I write another checkpoint plugin, 
    >checkpoint/blcr. Also the checkpoint plugin API was changed. I am 
    >testing and debugging the code. I wonder whether this may be 
    >accepted by SLURM. If OK, I can write an detailed document of the 
    >work after I complete it.
    >Best Regards,
    >Hongjia Cao
    Dear Hongjia,
    The BLCR developers have already performed some integration of
    BLCR with SLURM for SiCortex (a US computer vendor). I am including
    the people who are involved in the work in this response so that
    we can see what capabilities exist today and what capabilities
    would be valuable to add in the future. If anything can be done
    to SLURM to improve its integration with BLCR, that could certainly
    take the form of a new SLURM plugin. It would be great if you
    could do that work.
    Morris "Moe" Jette       [email protected]                 925-423-4856
    Integrated Computational Resource Management Group   fax 925-423-6961
    Livermore Computing            Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: about checkpoint support"