Re: Can't load modules with 0.7.3 & Debian sid's 2.6.26-1-686

From: Paul H. Hargrove (PHHargrove_at_lbl_dot_gov)
Date: Thu Dec 18 2008 - 20:43:04 PST

  • Next message: Neal Becker: "-fno-stack-protector"
       This error message is probably the root cause for the other errors you 
       While you think that you have the matching kernel and headers, this 
    indicates that you don't.  Since the headers used to build are newer (by about 
    3 weeks) than the running kernel, I suspect that the Debian kernel had some 
    minor revision between those dates.  It is therefore possible that "uname -r" 
    would even remain unchanged (I am not familiar with the exact versioning 
    practices for the Debian kernel).
       I don't know exactly how to help you, but I can suggest that rebooting may 
    help to ensure that the running kernel is the most recently installed/updated one.
       Any Debian users on the list have better suggestions to help Richard?
    Richard Hartmann wrote:
    > PS:
    > [15256.166657] Running kernel UTS_VERSION (#1 SMP Wed Nov 26 19:14:11
    > UTC 2008) does not match that used to build BLCR (#1 SMP Mon Dec 15
    > 18:15:07 UTC 2008)
    > I built with the header files which match the running kernel version,
    > though.
    > Richard
    Paul H. Hargrove                          PHHargrove_at_lbl_dot_gov
    Future Technologies Group
    HPC Research Department                   Tel: +1-510-495-2352
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900

  • Next message: Neal Becker: "-fno-stack-protector"