Permanent Delivery Failure
Date: Mon May 19 2008 - 11:31:13 PDT

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "BLCR 0.7.0 beta4 is now available"
    The attached message had PERMANENT fatal delivery errors!
    After one or more unsuccessful delivery attempts the attached message has
    been removed from the mail queue on this server.  The number and frequency
    of delivery attempts are determined by local configuration parameters.
    Failed address: [email protected]
    --- Session Transcript ---
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:30:58: Parsing Message <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\pd50000200891.msg>
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:30:58: From: [email protected]
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:30:58: To: [email protected]
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:30:58: Subject: Tired of overpaying for meds at your local pharm store? Here is the one stop solution for yo
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:30:58: Message-ID: <20080519133104.16040.qmail@28f162ma0q24elu>
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:30:58: MX-record resolution of [] in progress (DNS Server:
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: *  Error: 10 second wait for DNS response exceeded (attempt 1 of 3)
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: MX-record resolution of [] in progress (DNS Server:
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: *  P=010 S=000 TTL=(0) MX=[] {}
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: *  P=010 S=001 TTL=(0) MX=[] {}
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: Attempting MX: P=010 S=000 TTL=(0) MX=[] {}
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: Attempting SMTP connection to [ : 25]
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: Waiting for connection...
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: Connection established ( : 4185 -> : 25)
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:07: Waiting for protocol initiation...
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- ESMTP
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 220 ESMTP Service Ready
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: --> EHLO
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <--
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 250-8BITMIME
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 250 SIZE 31457280
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: --> MAIL From:<checkpoint_at_lbl_dot_gov> SIZE=4847
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 250 sender <checkpoint_at_lbl_dot_gov> ok
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: --> RCPT To:<[email protected]>
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected [email protected]
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: --> QUIT
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: Attempting MX: P=010 S=001 TTL=(0) MX=[] {}
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: Attempting SMTP connection to [ : 25]
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: Waiting for connection...
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: Connection established ( : 4189 -> : 25)
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: Waiting for protocol initiation...
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- ESMTP
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 220 ESMTP Service Ready
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: --> EHLO
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <--
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 250-8BITMIME
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 250 SIZE 31457280
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: --> MAIL From:<checkpoint_at_lbl_dot_gov> SIZE=4847
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 250 sender <checkpoint_at_lbl_dot_gov> ok
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: --> RCPT To:<[email protected]>
     Mon 2008-05-19 20:31:08: <-- 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected [email protected]
    --- End Transcript ---
    : Message contains [1] file attachments
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  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "BLCR 0.7.0 beta4 is now available"