Hopefully complete python ctypes module

From: Neal Becker (ndbecker2_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jan 30 2008 - 03:18:53 PST

  • Next message: Neal Becker: "Question on closing checkpoint file"
    1 question:
    Not sure whether to the GIL should be released during the call or not.
    I'm not using any multi-threading, so I think it doesn't matter?
    from __future__ import with_statement
    from ctypes import *
    from errno import *
    import os
    def die (msg):
        abort (msg)
    class cr_checkpoint_args_t (Structure):
        _fields_ = [("cr_version", c_int),
                    ("cr_scope", c_int),
                    ("cr_target", c_int),
                    ("cr_fd", c_int),
                    ("cr_signal", c_int),
                    ("cr_timeout", c_int),
                    ("cr_flags", c_int)]
    libcr = CDLL ('/usr/lib64/libcr.so.0')
    cr_args = cr_checkpoint_args_t()
    cr_args.cr_version = 1
    libcr.cri_initialize_checkpoint_args_t (byref(cr_args))
    cr_args.cr_scope = CR_SCOPE_PROC
    cr_args.cr_target = 0
    cr_args.cr_signal = 0
    cr_args.cr_timeout = 0
    cr_args.cr_flags = 0
    _id = libcr.cr_init()
    assert (_id >= 0)
    def request_checkpoint (cr_args, cr_handle):
         assert (isinstance (cr_args, cr_checkpoint_args_t))
         assert (isinstance (cr_handle, c_ulong))  # c long
         err = libcr.cr_request_checkpoint (byref(cr_args), byref (cr_handle))
         return err, cr_handle
    cr_handle = c_ulong()
    with open ("checkpoint", 'w') as cp_file:
        cr_args.cr_fd = cp_file.fileno()
        err,cr_handle = request_checkpoint (cr_args, cr_handle)
        err = -1
        while (err < 0):
            err = libcr.cr_poll_checkpoint (byref(cr_handle), POINTER(c_int)())
            print "err:", os.strerror(err)
            if (err < 0):
                if (errno == EINVAL):
                    break                   # restarted
                elif (errno == EINTR):
                    die ("cr_poll_checkpoint")
            elif (err == 0):
                die ("cr_poll_checkpoint returned unexpected 0")

  • Next message: Neal Becker: "Question on closing checkpoint file"