File checkpointing in BLCR

From: Abhinav Jha (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2008 - 22:06:37 PST

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    We want to give the user a flexibility of choosing different file
    checkpointing methods, like : saving the name of the file, contents of the
    file, etc. depending on the file size, file properties, etc. Thus, we
    would like to add on to the file checkpointing facilities that you have
    provided in the latest release of BLCR. We were thinking of making changes
    to the VMADump module code in order to do this. Is that right ? If not,
    kindly suggest which part of the code we need to make changes to. We feel
    lost :(
    Abhinav Jha & Manish Kumar
    Indian Institute of Technology

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