Re: Please advise me about restarting with BLCR

From: Hideyuki Jitsumoto (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2007 - 04:12:51 PST

  • Next message: Eric Roman: "Re: Please advise me about restarting with BLCR"
    I tried to use BLCR with many nodes.
    Due to administration policy, I can't make version of kernel the same
    on each node, sorry.
    I tried following environments (Node's and kernel's detail are in attached file)
    linux-2.6.17 's config file generate from linux-'s config file
    attached previous mail.
    1. 1100h (this is same as the node which I described "error was
    happened" in previous mail) + linux 2.6.17
    2. 1100h_old + linux 2.6.17
    3. 1122h + linux 2.6.17
    4. NECSCSI + linux 2.6.18 (this node has only scsi disks)
    5. DT + linux 2.6.15
    Test suites passed:
    4, 5
    Test suites failed:
    1: bug2003 has segmentation faults. And, mmaps.ct has same error as I
    described previous mail.
    2, 3: mmaps.ct has same error as I described previous mail.
    Sincerely Yours,
    Hideyuki Jitsumoto ([email protected])
    Tokyo Institute of Technology Grad. School of Info. and Eng.
    Dept. MCS (Matsuoka Lab.)

  • Next message: Eric Roman: "Re: Please advise me about restarting with BLCR"