From: Nick Couchman (Nick.Couchman_at_seakr_dot_com)
Date: Wed Aug 29 2007 - 15:46:34 PDT
I would just add my input (in agreement with what Paul mentioned in his response) that if you're going to be extending BLCR perhaps you could make sure that the code your write gets checked back into the BLCR tree and added back to the project. There may be complications that I don't understand with licensing, the direction you're taking in extending BLCR, or your class requirements that prevent you from doing it, but I think that the developers and users would be grateful if your enhancements made it back into the development tree. The idea of extending BLCR to use TCP sockets is interesting - I guess in my mind that extends the possibility that you could migrate a process to a remote node or from a remote node with relative ease - kind of like MOSIX/OpenMOSIX, maybe? --Nick >>> On 2007/08/29 at 03:57:36, in message <[email protected]>, "Abhinav Jha" <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Sir, We're final year students from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati ( ), working on our B.Tech. project, "Implementation of checkpoint and restart mechanism on the linux kernel 2.6". We wanted to make use of the already existing facilities of BLCR in this regard. However, we're not aware of a few things: 1. Whether we can change your code without violating your copyright. 2. What is the feasibility of implementing socket checkpointing in BLCR. 3. Can we do an implementation of file checkpointing, that is independent of the one you have planned ? 4. What would be a good way to go about reading/modifying the code , since there is no manual avaiable ? We'll be very grateful to hear from you. Thank you, Abhinav Jha & Manish Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati -39, INDIA