blcr dkms

From: Neal Becker (
Date: Wed Mar 07 2007 - 17:47:24 PST

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: blcr dkms"
    I'm interested in packaging blcr as an rpm using dkms.  In order to do this, 
    we need to separate the library build and kernel module build.  In other 
    words, the library build would produce one rpms, and the dkms would be a 
    package of the module source.  Installing the dkms kernel rpm would just 
    install the source into /usr/src/blcr-xxxx.  At boot dkms would do configure, 
    make if required.  I don't think blcr is packaged to allow this right now, 
    since it expects to have a top-level dir above the kernel source dir where 
    configure was run (I say that because the kernel module Makefile has a lot of 
    refs to ../, so I'm assuming it won't work as is).
    Any thoughts?  Interest?

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: blcr dkms"