Migrating multiple processes with IPC

From: Dai MIKURUBE (dmikurube_at_acm_dot_org)
Date: Thu Dec 14 2006 - 09:03:38 PST

  • Next message: Dai MIKURUBE: "Re: Migrating multiple processes with IPC"
    I'm a student at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
    I'm using BLCR for a kind of process migration.
    Finally, I'd like to migrate network server processes like Apache.
    Then, I have two questions about current BLCR.
    Does BLCR support checkpointing multiple processes which are parent
    and child and restarting them in another computer?
    And if they use some of IPC mechanisms?
    # I'm adding a very very easy mechanism to migrate sockets.
    # Though it's too easy and useless, it's a little hard. ;-(

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