About BLCR and 2.6 kernel

From: Alexandre Carissimi (asc_at_inf.ufrgs.br)
Date: Tue Feb 14 2006 - 21:24:08 PST

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: About BLCR and 2.6 kernel"
    I'have been tryed for a week to install and use BLCR
    on Opteron processors using differents 2.6 kernel
    versions. Sometimes I had errors messages like "
    the structure <name> is not supported" (on 2.6.15.x
    kernel). On  2.6.12 it seems to compile correctly but
    I'm having troubles to checkpoint MPI programs (in
    this case, I think that is a MPI problem). Anyway....
    My real question is: what is the latest kernel version
    that you know blcr works? What is the contraints to
    use blcr on 64 bits architectures (if there is one)? Do
    you recommend a special kernel version?
    Thanks and advance.
    A. Carissimi
    CARISSIMI, Alexandre      Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
    [email protected]          Instituto de Inform�tica
    Tel: +   Caixa Postal 15064
    Fax: +   CEP:91501-970 Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: About BLCR and 2.6 kernel"