Bug Report: Stale process after abortion of restart process

From: Michael Klemm (michael.klemm_at_informatik.uni-erlangen.de)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2005 - 04:46:54 PST

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: Bug Report: Stale process after abortion of restart process"
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    playing aroud I found the following bug:
    | DONE
    |  FINISHED chkpt_callback
    |            entering level 6 (return address 0x80486f7)
    |               entering level 7 (return address 0x80486f7)
    |   cr_core.c:467 cr_checkpoint: Callback 0 returned 1 - ABORTING
    |               entering level 8 (return address 0x80486f7)
    After printing the error message, the process freezes and continuously
    wastes 100% CPU and is uninterruptable. Also, I'm not able to shutdown
    the machine. Instead, I'm forced to press the machine's reset button.
    The machine is as P4 3.06 HT DUAL running SuSE Linux, kernel version
    2.6.5-7.145-smp. I checked the same program on my other Linux box
    running kernel 2.4.29. On this machine, BLCR works fine although it also
    reports an aborted restart process (that's the correct behavior).
    - --
    Computer Science Department 2, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
    Martensstrasse 3, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany
    phone: ++49 (0)9131 85-28995, fax: ++49 (0)9131 85-28809
    web: http://www2.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~klemm
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  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: Bug Report: Stale process after abortion of restart process"