Re: BLCR 0.4.0 released

From: Ulisses (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2005 - 15:02:05 PST

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: BLCR 0.4.0 released"
    On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 11:05 -0800, Paul H. Hargrove wrote:
    > You are receiving this message because you have e-mailed us in the past 
    > with questions about the development status of Berkeley Lab 
    > Checkpoint/Restart (BLCR) for Linux.
    	Thank you! :-)
    > This release adds the experimental Linux 2.6.x support that many of you 
    > have asked me about.  It is still only for ia32 (no Opteron yet, but I 
    > am working on it).  The 2.6 support is much less tested than the 2.4 
    > kernel support.  So, we'd really apreciate hearing of your success or 
    > failure with BLCR 0.4.0.
    	I've just tried to compile BLCR 0.4.0 on a Fedora Core 3 system running
    kernel 2.6.10-1.766_FC3 and gcc 3.4.2. I downloaded the BLCR package,
    unpacked it to /tmp and ran the configure:
    	$ ./configure --with-linux=/lib/modules/2.6.10-1.766_FC3/build --with-
    system-map=/boot/ --prefix=/tmp/blcr
    	Everything seemed ok, but when I tried to compile it by typing 'make',
    I noticed some little problems:
    	- libcr won't be compiled unless the following patch is applied because
    compilation ends up with this error from linux/include/config.h:
    "#error including kernel header in userspace; use the glibc headers
    --- blcr-0.4.0/libcr/   2005-02-18 19:49:36.676842325
    +++ blcr-0.4.0/libcr/        2005-02-18 19:50:13.771503858
    @@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
    -               -I$(srcdir)/arch/@CR_ARCH@/\
    -               -I@LINUX_SRC@/include
    +               -I$(srcdir)/arch/@CR_ARCH@/
     EXTRA_DIST=arch license.txt
    	- gcc doesn't like the inlining of cr_barrier_init, cr_barrier_enter
    and cr_barrier_break, but it doesn't stop the compilation process. It
    says "cr_module/cr_barrier.h:57: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed
    in call to 'cr_barrier_break': function body not available" and when the
    function is used "cr_module/kbuild/cr_chkpt_req.c:113: sorry,
    unimplemented: called from here".
    	- the functions timeval_to_jiffies() and jiffies_to_timeval() already
    exist in linux kernel 2.6 in linux/include/jiffies.h, so I guess the
    following patches make sense.
    --- blcr-0.4.0/        2005-02-18 15:21:35.000000000
    +++ blcr-0.4.0/     2005-02-18 20:30:02.448827538 -0200
    @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
     ## Now we check for specific kernel features...
    +CR_CHECK_KERNEL_COMPILE([2.4 timeval_to_jiffies],[
         #include <linux/time.h>
         #ifdef timeval_to_jiffies
    @@ -445,10 +445,29 @@
           int x = sizeof(&timeval_to_jiffies);
    +CR_CHECK_KERNEL_COMPILE([2.6 timeval_to_jiffies],[
    +    #include <linux/jiffies.h>
    +  ],[
    +    #ifdef timeval_to_jiffies
    +      /* OK, it exists as a macro */
    +    #else
    +      int x = sizeof(&timeval_to_jiffies);
    +    #endif
    +  ])
     # OK if missing
    +CR_CHECK_KERNEL_COMPILE([2.4 jiffies_to_timeval],[
         #include <linux/time.h>
    -  ],[
    + ],[
    +    #ifdef jiffies_to_timeval
    +      /* OK, it exists as a macro */
    +    #else
    +      int x = sizeof(&jiffies_to_timeval);
    +    #endif
    +  ])
    +CR_CHECK_KERNEL_COMPILE([2.6 jiffies_to_timeval],[
    +    #include <linux/jiffies.h>
    + ],[
         #ifdef jiffies_to_timeval
           /* OK, it exists as a macro */
    --- blcr-0.4.0/cr_module/cr_module.h.orig       2005-02-16
    20:34:31.000000000 -0200
    +++ blcr-0.4.0/cr_module/cr_module.h    2005-02-18 20:41:39.844646017
    @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
            cr_rstrt_req_t          *rstrt_req;
     } cr_pdata_t;
    +#if !defined(HAVE_2_4_TIMEVAL_TO_JIFFIES) && !defined
            // Basic adaptation of timespec_to_jiffies from
            static __inline__ unsigned long
            timeval_to_jiffies(struct timeval *value)
    @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
    +#if !defined(HAVE_2_4_JIFFIES_TO_TIMEVAL) && !defined
            // Basic adaptation of jiffies_to_timeval from
            static __inline__ void
            jiffies_to_timeval(unsigned long jiffies, struct timeval *value)
    	And I finally got stuck with TASK_ZOMBIE being used but it's defined
    nowhere in linux kernel 2.6. The task_struct struct has the exit_state
    member, that can be either EXIT_ZOMBIE or EXIT_DEAD. Maybe
    cr_module/kbuild/cr_chkpt_req.c and cr_module/kbuild/cr_rstrt_req.c
    should test for exit_state being EXIT_ZOMBIE?
    	Well, that's it.. I hope this feedback helps you guys (and I also hope
    my e-mail client doesn't mess up all the pacthes). Keep up the nice
    work. :-)
    Best regards,
    -- Ulisses

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: BLCR 0.4.0 released"