Re: Checkpointing to a socket

From: Paul H. Hargrove (PHHargrove_at_lbl_dot_gov)
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 16:34:33 PST

  • Next message: Lip Kian: "checkpoint of scripts and error codes"
       You may wish to try the attached patch to cr_checkpoint.c, which 
    implements the --fd flag I proposed in an earlier message.  Then you 
    should be able to checkpoint to a socket with something like:
    snprintf(cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer_len, "cr_checkpoint --fd %d --pid %d", 
    socket_fd, target_pid);
    If you do try this, please let us know how it turns out.
    Paul H. Hargrove wrote:
    > Zoltan,
    >   I think something like the following might work:
    > len = snprintf(cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer_len, "cr_checkpoint --clobber 
    > --file /proc/self/fd/%d --pid %d", socket_fd, target_pid);
    > if (len >= cmd_buffer_len) {
    >   /* cmd_buffer too small, deal with it */
    >   exit(1);
    > }
    > rc = system(cmd_buffer);
    > The use of /proc/self/fd/%d will cause the checkpoint to go to an 
    > existing open file descriptor.  The --clobber is needed to ensure it 
    > goes straight there rather than going to a temporary file that is then 
    > renamed to the destination (which would fail).  Note that this will fail 
    > if the socket descriptor is close-on-exec.
    > I think it would be easy to implement "--fd <N>" to get the same 
    > behavior as "--clobber --file /proc/self/fd/<N>".  In fact, I've added a 
    > request for this feature to our bug database 
    > ( as bug #882.
    > -Paul
    > JCDuell_at_lbl_dot_gov wrote:
    >> Zoltan:
    >> We have not tested checkpointing to a socket, but it should work.  We
    >> are planning to move most of the logic currently in cr_checkpoint into a
    >> set of library routines, which will allow a socket file descriptor to be
    >> passed in instead of a regular file.  In the meantime, a relatively
    >> small amount of hacking in cr_checkpoint.c could allow you to do the
    >> same thing--just add a '--socket <address>' flag, and have it open up a
    >> TCP socket instead of a file.
    >> Cheers,
    Paul H. Hargrove                          PHHargrove_at_lbl_dot_gov
    Future Technologies Group
    HPC Research Department                   Tel: +1-510-495-2352
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900
    Index: util/cr_checkpoint/cr_checkpoint.c
    RCS file: /var/local/cvs/lbnl_cr/util/cr_checkpoint/cr_checkpoint.c,v
    retrieving revision 1.44
    retrieving revision 1.46
    diff -c -r1.44 -r1.46
    *** util/cr_checkpoint/cr_checkpoint.c	12 Oct 2004 20:35:59 -0000	1.44
    --- util/cr_checkpoint/cr_checkpoint.c	2 Dec 2004 00:26:50 -0000	1.46
    *** 21,27 ****
       * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
       * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    !  * $Id: cr_checkpoint.c,v 1.44 2004/10/12 20:35:59 phargrov Exp $
    --- 21,27 ----
       * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
       * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    !  * $Id: cr_checkpoint.c,v 1.46 2004/12/02 00:26:50 phargrov Exp $
    *** 64,85 ****
      "General options:\n"
      "  -v, --verbose          print progress messages to stderr.\n"
      "  -?, --help             print this message and exit.\n"
      "Options for scope of the checkpoint:\n"
      "  -p, --pid, --process   ID identifies a process id (default).\n"
      "  -g, --pgid, --group    ID identifies a process group id.\n"
      "  -s, --sid, --session   ID identifies a session id.\n"
      "Options for destination location of the checkpoint:\n"
      "  -c, --cwd              checkpoint saved as a single 'context.ID' file in\n"
      "                         cr_checkpoint's working directory (default).\n"
      "  -d, --dir DIR          checkpoint saved in new directory DIR, with one\n"
    ! "                         'context.ID' file per process.\n"
      "  -f, --file FILE        checkpoint saved as FILE.\n"
    ! "Options for creation/replacement policy for checkpoint files\n"
      "      --atomic           checkpoint created/replaced atomically (default).\n"
      "      --backup[=NAME]    checkpoint created atomically, and any existing \n"
      "                         checkpoint backed up to NAME or *.~1~, *.~2~, etc.\n"
      "      --clobber          checkpoint written incrementally to target, \n"
      "                         overwriting any pre-existing checkpoint.\n"
      "Options for signal sent to process(es) after checkpoint:\n"
      "      --run              no signal sent: continue execution (default).\n"
      "  -S, --signal NUM       signal NUM sent to all processes/threads.\n"
    --- 64,91 ----
      "General options:\n"
      "  -v, --verbose          print progress messages to stderr.\n"
      "  -?, --help             print this message and exit.\n"
    + "\n"
      "Options for scope of the checkpoint:\n"
      "  -p, --pid, --process   ID identifies a process id (default).\n"
      "  -g, --pgid, --group    ID identifies a process group id.\n"
      "  -s, --sid, --session   ID identifies a session id.\n"
    + "\n"
      "Options for destination location of the checkpoint:\n"
      "  -c, --cwd              checkpoint saved as a single 'context.ID' file in\n"
      "                         cr_checkpoint's working directory (default).\n"
      "  -d, --dir DIR          checkpoint saved in new directory DIR, with one\n"
    ! "                         'context.ID' file per process (unimplemented).\n"
      "  -f, --file FILE        checkpoint saved as FILE.\n"
    ! "  -F, --fd FD            checkpoint written to an open file descriptor.\n"
    ! "\n"
    ! "Options for creation/replacement policy for checkpoint files:\n"
      "      --atomic           checkpoint created/replaced atomically (default).\n"
      "      --backup[=NAME]    checkpoint created atomically, and any existing \n"
      "                         checkpoint backed up to NAME or *.~1~, *.~2~, etc.\n"
      "      --clobber          checkpoint written incrementally to target, \n"
      "                         overwriting any pre-existing checkpoint.\n"
    + "These options are ignored if the destination is a file descriptor.\n"
    + "\n"
      "Options for signal sent to process(es) after checkpoint:\n"
      "      --run              no signal sent: continue execution (default).\n"
      "  -S, --signal NUM       signal NUM sent to all processes/threads.\n"
    *** 87,95 ****
    --- 93,103 ----
      "      --term             SIGTERM sent to all processes/threads.\n"
      /* "      --kill             SIGKILL sent to all processes/threads.\n" */
      "      --abort            SIGABRT sent to all processes/threads.\n"
    + "\n"
      "Options for file system synchronization (default is --sync):\n"
      "      --sync             fsync checkpoint file(s) to disk (default).\n"
      "      --nosync           do not fsync checkpoint file(s) to disk.\n"
    + "\n"
      "Misc Options:\n"
      "  -t, --time SEC         allow only SEC seconds for target to complete\n"
      "                         checkpoint (default: wait indefinitely).\n"
    *** 239,248 ****
    --- 247,265 ----
    + /* Type of destination */
    + enum {
    +    dest_default,
    +    dest_file,
    +    dest_dir,
    +    dest_fd,
    +    dest_cwd
    + };
      int main(int argc, char **argv)
          struct cr_chkpt_req req;
    +     int dest_type = dest_default;
          int chkpt_fd = -1;
          int do_atomic = 1;
          int do_backup = 0;
    *** 261,267 ****
          int signal = 0;
          /* Parse cmdline options */
    !     char * shortflags = "f:d:S:pgsct:vh?";  /* 1 colon == requires argument */
          struct option longflags[] = {
      	/* target_type: */
      	{ "pid",     no_argument      , 0, 'p' },
    --- 278,284 ----
          int signal = 0;
          /* Parse cmdline options */
    !     char * shortflags = "f:d:F:S:pgsct:vh?";  /* 1 colon == requires argument */
          struct option longflags[] = {
      	/* target_type: */
      	{ "pid",     no_argument      , 0, 'p' },
    *** 273,278 ****
    --- 290,296 ----
      	/* destination: */
      	{ "file",    required_argument, 0, 'f' },
      	{ "dir",     required_argument, 0, 'd' },
    + 	{ "fd",      required_argument, 0, 'F' },
      	{ "cwd",     no_argument,       0, 'c' },
      	/* creation/replacement policy */
      	{ "atomic",  no_argument,	0, opt_atomic },
    *** 293,299 ****
      	{ "verbose", no_argument,       0, 'v' },
      	{ "help",    no_argument,       0, '?' },
      	{ "version", no_argument,       0, opt_version },
    ! 	{ 0,	     0,		        0,  0  }
          while (1) {
    --- 311,317 ----
      	{ "verbose", no_argument,       0, 'v' },
      	{ "help",    no_argument,       0, '?' },
      	{ "version", no_argument,       0, opt_version },
    ! 	{ 0,	     0,			0,  0  }
          while (1) {
    *** 316,323 ****
      		die(EINVAL, "Checkpointing of sessions not yet implemented\n");
      	    case 'f':
    ! 		if (chkpt_dir != NULL) 
    ! 		    die (EINVAL, "only one of -f and -d may be provided\n");
      		chkpt_file = strdup(optarg);
      		if (!chkpt_file) 
      		    die(ENOMEM, "strdup failed on string '%s'\n", optarg);
    --- 334,342 ----
      		die(EINVAL, "Checkpointing of sessions not yet implemented\n");
      	    case 'f':
    ! 		if (dest_type != dest_default)
    ! 		    die (EINVAL, "conflicting destinations provided\n");
    ! 	 	dest_type = dest_file;
      		chkpt_file = strdup(optarg);
      		if (!chkpt_file) 
      		    die(ENOMEM, "strdup failed on string '%s'\n", optarg);
    *** 326,339 ****
      #if 1
      		die(EINVAL, "-d flag not yet implemented\n");
    ! 		if (chkpt_file != NULL) 
    ! 		    die (EINVAL, "only one of -f and -d may be provided\n");
      		chkpt_dir = strdup(optarg);
      		if (!chkpt_dir) 
      		    die(ENOMEM, "strdup failed on string '%s'\n", optarg);
      	    case 'c':
      		/* nothing to do */
      	    case opt_atomic:
    --- 345,368 ----
      #if 1
      		die(EINVAL, "-d flag not yet implemented\n");
    ! 		if (dest_type != dest_default)
    ! 		    die (EINVAL, "conflicting destinations specified\n");
    ! 	 	dest_type = dest_dir;
      		chkpt_dir = strdup(optarg);
      		if (!chkpt_dir) 
      		    die(ENOMEM, "strdup failed on string '%s'\n", optarg);
    + 	    case 'F':
    + 		if (dest_type != dest_default)
    + 		    die (EINVAL, "conflicting destinations specified\n");
    + 	 	dest_type = dest_fd;
    + 		chkpt_fd = readint(optarg, argv[0]);
    + 		break;
      	    case 'c':
    + 		if (dest_type != dest_default)
    + 		    die (EINVAL, "conflicting destinations specified\n");
    + 	 	dest_type = dest_cwd;
      		/* nothing to do */
      	    case opt_atomic:
    *** 414,453 ****
    !     /* default file name = context.ID */
    !     if (!chkpt_dir && !chkpt_file) {
      	#define NAMELEN 64 
      	char buf[NAMELEN];
    ! 	snprintf(buf, NAMELEN, "context.%d", target);
    ! 	chkpt_file = strdup(buf);
    ! 	if (!chkpt_file)
      	    die(errno, "Could not duplicate string '%s'\n", buf);
    !     }
    !     if (!(chkpt_to = chkpt_dir))
    ! 	chkpt_to = chkpt_file;
    !     /* get parent directory name */
    !     parent_dir = strdup(chkpt_to);
    !     if (!parent_dir)
    ! 	die(errno, "Error in strdup: %s", strerror(errno));
    !     parent_dir = dirname(parent_dir);
    !     if (do_atomic) {
    ! 	char *base = strdup(chkpt_to);
    ! 	if (!base)
    ! 	    die(errno, "Error in strdup: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    ! 	/* save final target name */
    ! 	rename_to = chkpt_to;  
    ! 	/* use ''-style name for checkpoint file */
    ! 	chkpt_to = (char *)malloc(strlen(chkpt_to) + 10);
    ! 	if (!chkpt_to)
    ! 	    die(errno, "Malloc failed!\n");
    ! 	strcpy(chkpt_to, parent_dir);
    ! 	strcat(chkpt_to, "/.");
    ! 	strcat(chkpt_to, basename(base));
    ! 	strcat(chkpt_to, ".tmp");
    ! 	free(base);
          if (verbose) 
    --- 443,500 ----
    !     if (dest_type == dest_fd) {
      	#define NAMELEN 64 
      	char buf[NAMELEN];
    ! 	snprintf(buf, NAMELEN, "<fd%d>", chkpt_fd);
    ! 	chkpt_to = strdup(buf);
    ! 	if (!chkpt_to)
      	    die(errno, "Could not duplicate string '%s'\n", buf);
    !     } else {
    ! 	char buf[NAMELEN];
    ! 	switch (dest_type) {
    ! 	    case dest_dir:
    ! 		chkpt_to = chkpt_dir;
    ! 		break;
    ! 	    case dest_default: /* default -> cwd */
    ! 	    case dest_cwd:
    ! 		snprintf(buf, NAMELEN, "context.%d", target);
    ! 		chkpt_file = strdup(buf);
    ! 		if (!chkpt_file)
    ! 		    die(errno, "Could not duplicate string '%s'\n", buf);
    ! 		/* fall through */
    ! 	    case dest_file:
    ! 		chkpt_to = chkpt_file;
    ! 		break;
    ! 	    default:
    ! 		die(1, "Invalid dest_type\n");
    ! 	}
    ! 	/* get parent directory name */
    ! 	parent_dir = strdup(chkpt_to);
    ! 	if (!parent_dir)
    ! 	    die(errno, "Error in strdup: %s", strerror(errno));
    ! 	parent_dir = dirname(parent_dir);
    ! 	if (do_atomic) {
    ! 	    char *base = strdup(chkpt_to);
    ! 	    if (!base)
    ! 		die(errno, "Error in strdup: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    ! 	    /* save final target name */
    ! 	    rename_to = chkpt_to;  
    ! 	    /* use ''-style name for checkpoint file */
    ! 	    chkpt_to = (char *)malloc(strlen(chkpt_to) + 10);
    ! 	    if (!chkpt_to)
    ! 		die(errno, "Malloc failed!\n");
    ! 	    strcpy(chkpt_to, parent_dir);
    ! 	    strcat(chkpt_to, "/.");
    ! 	    strcat(chkpt_to, basename(base));
    ! 	    strcat(chkpt_to, ".tmp");
    ! 	    free(base);
    ! 	}
          if (verbose) 
    *** 455,469 ****
      		chkpt_to, parent_dir, rename_to);
          /* TODO:  make sure no other checkpoint is occurring to the same file? */
    !     if (chkpt_file) {
      	if ((chkpt_fd = openfile(chkpt_to)) == -1)
      	    die(errno, "Unable to open checkpoint file '%s'\n", chkpt_file);
          } else {
      	die(EINVAL, "directories not yet supported\n");
    -     /* after this point, remove checkpoint file if there's an error */
    -     to_remove = chkpt_to;
          /* BUILD THE REQUEST */
          req.cr_target = target;
    --- 502,519 ----
      		chkpt_to, parent_dir, rename_to);
          /* TODO:  make sure no other checkpoint is occurring to the same file? */
    !     if (chkpt_fd >= 0) {
    ! 	/* silently ignore the atomic/backup flags */
    ! 	do_atomic = do_backup = 0;
    !     } else if (chkpt_file) {
      	if ((chkpt_fd = openfile(chkpt_to)) == -1)
      	    die(errno, "Unable to open checkpoint file '%s'\n", chkpt_file);
    + 	/* after this point, remove checkpoint file if there's an error */
    + 	to_remove = chkpt_to;
          } else {
      	die(EINVAL, "directories not yet supported\n");
          /* BUILD THE REQUEST */
          req.cr_target = target;
    *** 555,569 ****
      	if (err < 0)
      	    die(errno, "Error syncing checkpoint to disk: %s\n", 
    ! 	/* sync parent directory, too, to ensure checkpoint shows up */
    ! 	if (!(dir = opendir(parent_dir)))
    ! 	    die(errno, "unable to opendir(%s): %s\n",
    ! 		parent_dir, strerror(errno));
    ! 	/* ignore fsync errors that might be from using NFS */
    ! 	if (fsync(dirfd(dir)) && errno != EROFS && errno != EINVAL)
    ! 	    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unable to sync directory '%s': errno=%d\n",
    ! 		    parent_dir, errno);
    ! 	/* TODO: if checkpoint to directory, fsync all files */
          return 0;
    --- 605,621 ----
      	if (err < 0)
      	    die(errno, "Error syncing checkpoint to disk: %s\n", 
    ! 	if (parent_dir != NULL) {
    ! 	    /* sync parent directory, too, to ensure checkpoint shows up */
    ! 	    if (!(dir = opendir(parent_dir)))
    ! 		die(errno, "unable to opendir(%s): %s\n",
    ! 		    parent_dir, strerror(errno));
    ! 	    /* ignore fsync errors that might be from using NFS */
    ! 	    if (fsync(dirfd(dir)) && errno != EROFS && errno != EINVAL)
    ! 		fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unable to sync directory '%s': errno=%d\n",
    ! 			parent_dir, errno);
    ! 	    /* TODO: if checkpoint to directory, fsync all files */
    ! 	}
          return 0;

  • Next message: Lip Kian: "checkpoint of scripts and error codes"