lam-blcr installation

From: ѦÈðÄá (
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 03:00:36 PST

This is my installation records:

+_______ BLCR Installation_________________________+
../configure --with-linux=/usr/src/linux-2.4.20-8  --with-system-map=/boot/ --prefix=$HOME/BLCR
make install

+______.bashrc modification for BLCR_______________+
# for BLCR
        # In addition to using cr_run, processes may be made checkpointable by
        # setting LD_PRELOAD to the full path of libcr library.
        export LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:$HOME/BLCR/lib/

+______LAM/MPI-7.0.3 Installation___________________+
../configure --with-blcr=$HOME/BLCR --with-rpi=crtcp --prefix=$HOME/LAM-MPI
make install

+_____.bashrc modificatio for LAM/MPI_______________+

During the installations, no warnings nor errors. laminfo shows below:
 LAM/MPI: 7.0.3
            Prefix: /home/xue/LAM-MPI/
      Architecture: i686-pc-linux-gnu
     Configured by: xue
     Configured on: Thu Nov 27 18:17:07 CST 2003
    Configure host: xeon736
        C bindings: yes
      C++ bindings: yes
  Fortran bindings: yes
       C profiling: yes
     C++ profiling: yes
 Fortran profiling: yes
     ROMIO support: yes
      IMPI support: no
     Debug support: no
      Purify clean: no
          SSI boot: globus (Module v0.5)
          SSI boot: rsh (Module v1.0)
          SSI coll: lam_basic (Module v7.0)
          SSI coll: smp (Module v1.0)
           SSI rpi: crtcp (Module v1.0)
           SSI rpi: lamd (Module v7.0)
           SSI rpi: sysv (Module v7.0)
           SSI rpi: tcp (Module v7.0)
           SSI rpi: usysv (Module v7.0)
            SSI cr: blcr (Module v1.0.1)

Then I start lamboot. --OK.

I get into lam-mpi source folder and try to make examples, but something
annoying comes out:
Making examples in romio
make: *** wait: no child process.  Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** wait: no child process.  Stop.

Even when I get into examples/hello and try make , the same error
complains! So, I directly use mpicc -o hello hello.c. I can not believe
it, it WORKS! Then mpirun -np 3 hello, outputs are:
Hello, world!  I am 0 of 3
Hello, world!  I am 1 of 3
Hello, world!  I am 2 of 3

there should be no mistakes in examples' Makefiles in LAM. But I don't
know where I did wrong(?).

Anyway, BLCR and LAM works together :)

[email protected]